Saturday 22 July 2017

Pressure Makes Diamonds

An earlier article of mine described my gratitude to various people who helped me in my quest to have a driver’s license. The road was long and winding (excuse the pun) but finally I  reached the destination. I learnt a lot of lessons along the way.’Sometimes you have to go through the worst to get to the best.Give time some time.’

Pressure Makes Diamonds 
Maybe the biggest lesson for me was the fact that I rediscovered my faith. I was born in a Christian family and from as long back as I can imagine I was a church goer,even getting presents in quizzes organized at church ;I believe the biggest one I got was the book titled The Great Controversy which I was given when I was in Grade six if I am not mistaken.The truth is I did not get as much from reading this tome as I should have as the level was way above me.I sort of fell off the wagon when I came to the Capital city for my secondary school education and I must say I never willingly went back to church after that.My visits were limited to the times I had to go and witness friends and family for the exchange of their marriage vows or the odd baptism.

One thing I am forever grateful for is the grounding that I got from the earlier church going,it has stood me in good steed throughout the years. Somehow I knew that I was in the wrong But I still refused to smoke nor drink.The failed attempts to get a license really made me look inside myself and I discovered that I had a yearning for that which was familiar to me-Church.I am glad to say since January I have gone back to the basics and have started my journey back closer to my faith and my creater.It is not by coincidence that having failed to pass the road test on four occasions last year, I managed to get the license on the second attempt this year. The fact is now I am calmer and more self assured than I was last year thanks to the fact that I have rediscovered my faith.
Perhaps among other things I learnt is the fact that things happen for a reason. During my struggles I went through three different driving schools and in the process learnt how to drive three types of trucks; a Nissan UD, Isuzu and finally the Mercedes Benz which I drove on my triumphant last test.The lessons I learnt are that one needs to be patient when learning something ,they also need to realize that God’s time is the best time and things happen for a reason. If I had passed at my first attempt ,I would have ended up taking things  for  granted.

One more thing which made it easier is the fact that there were some people who  prayed for me and with me to strengthen my faith TO THEM I SAY THIS SUCCESS IS MORE YOURS THAN MINE,GOD BLESS YOU. 

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