Wednesday 4 April 2018

Children Say The Darnedest Things

I spent a innocent half hour with my granddaughters and it was fun because there was no pretense on their part,the eldest is five years old and has just started school ,grade 0 she says .In my time we did not have such,at seven years old one started grade one and that was that!

Children Say The Darnedest Things
What I enjoyed the most was the fact that there were screeches of loud voices and I was engulfed in hugs ,each of the two elder girls competing for my attention and the almost six month old baby gurgling away contentedly without any care in the world .Maybe the fact that I always bring some goodies in the form of bananas and those chicken flings that children love so much is the reason why I am so well received but I don’t care !When their eyes light up with recognition ,that is enough for me.

The eldest rushes to their room and comes back with her small hands leaden with a school bag ,school shoes in the other hand and a pair of rubber boots (for when it rains I suppose) in the other hand and loudly proclaims the fact that she is now going to school .Her heart is bursting with the good news and she just has to share them with her grandfather.

The second born declares contemptuously that she doesnot go to school nor does she sing in the church choir.She boldly declares that she hates both those activities and volunteers the fact that she loves to play.It is said with such a serious countenance that one cannot help laughing.

It is moments like these that I truly appreciate how fortunate I am to have a daughter and the granddaughters she bore,nothing beats the feeling of being loved unreservedly. I am going to enjoy this for as long as it lasts before the ugly world turns them cynical.

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