Friday 1 February 2019

Plucky Lady Starts High School At +50

It has been a week now since I met Mrs Jane Doe ,I haven't asked for her permission
to write about her so ,I will not mention her name.I have recently gone back to my old
profession- helping kids learn and master the English language.

A Plucky Lady Starts High School At +50
I was summoned by the lady in charge of the institution who informed me that was an old lady who wanted to speak with me.When I get into the office ,i saw this older lady ;dignified ,bespectacled and composed ,who informed that she wanted to English from the form one level and hopefully sit the ordinary level examination.The lady informed us that she had recently resigned from her job in the national army and now wanted to pursue the her passion and be able to communicate with her grand kids since they were at school going age and she would want to also help them with their homework.
I was really touched ,here was a lady who seemed to be comfortably well-off,she drives a pre-owned Harrier SUV which is in a very good condition.When we discuss further,i learnt that most ladies from her church always asked to be the secretary whenever they had discussions ,so this one of the other reason why she wanted to improve herself.Fortunately for her however, is the fact that she can express herself well in the language but what is lacking is the formal instruction.She confesses that she only studied until grade seven after which her guardians informed her there was no money to send her to high school.

Needless to say ,we quickly settled the tuition fees and Mrs Doe promised to come back for her first lesson on the following day.As I write we have spent a week learning and she has proven to be a very attentive student indeed.For anyone of you out there who have a passion to do something and have been putting it off because you believe you are too old ,GET UP AND DO SOMETHING!

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