Sunday 3 March 2019

How Not To Run A Business 1

I have had the misfortune of working under three bosses who had the worst work ethic imaginable.
This is not a case of PHD(Pull Him Down) syndrome.The first case was in 1996, when a colleague started a company which was contracted to a service provider contracted by Econet Wirelwess to solicit for customers to join the nascent network.It had not yet gone live since its case was before the courts of law.We were a lean operation - a start-up but what we lacked in resources  was made up with seer enthusiasm and hard work,until the money started to roll in .

How Not To Run A Run A Business
Immediately after Econet Wireless was granted a license,the head honcho started showing his true colours.He would leave just before lunch and would phone to give instructions for me to lock up ,he would  come the following morning around nine ,with bloodshot eyes,regaling us of his escapades of the night before.We continued to work hard that within a few weeks he had bought himself a second hand Mercedes- Benz sedan.Afterwards, he became scarier as he would always be out chasing one deal after the other. It got to the extend that he would make excuses for not paying salaries whilst he lived it up every night with his buddies.

When a deal to supply one of the service providers with leather pouches for mobile phones fell into my lap, I grabbed it with both hands and supplied them.He later discovered what had gone down and was furious.

There and then there was a parting of ways and I gladly continued to service the clients I had found earlier whilst I worked for him.If he had treated me decently I would not have acted like that.

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