Thursday 14 April 2016

Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

The supervisor[name supplied but withheld] of one very prominent Harare based cleaning company which has contracts to clean a lot of business premises and embassies is a perpetual sexual harasser.
Sexual Harassement In The Workplace
Reliable sources paint a grime picture of a married man who cannot keep it in his pants,He is reportedly related to one of the top managers and has been carrying out his nefarious deeds with impunity for a long time as most of his victims cannot report him for fear of victimisation.The sources claim that he has bedded most of the female employees under his supervision,should one turn down his advances then they get shifted from place to place and made to do the worst jobs.In a country where the economy is reeling from high unemployment,most ladies choose to resign than be made play-things of the serial sexual predator.

Sources say matters came to a head at one institution,a lady who has continuously turned down the unwanted attention of the abuser was dressed down before all and sundry for failing to do an imagined task well.What really irked the lady was not the dressing down , but for it to be done in public was very stressful to say the least.As I write she is contemplating resigning her job.

My appeal is for someone with the right legal background to start a programme of empowering our daughters,sisters and wives on how they can sue the harassers and the companies that turn a blind eye to sexual harassment in the work-place

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