Wednesday 21 June 2017

Gratitude part 2

The late Mother Theresa, the world renowned humanitarian, said ‘We shall pass through this world, but once if, therefore, there be any kindness that we can show or any good thing that we can do, let us do it now. Let us not defer nor neglect it for once we leave the world, we will never pass this way again.
Wicknell Chivayo
I write the above quote to enlighten my fellow Zimbabwean, a certain  Wickell Chivayo.The fact that he has done wonders of The Warriors is there for all to see. Much of the hype was created by the same journalists that he is now bashing at every opportunity he gets. It is most unfortunate that the Youngman was so offended because a journalist had done his job and had got the scoop of the week by informing the nation of the fact that the beloved Warriors coach had gone for quite some time without being paid. Facts are stubborn; it is very difficult for a father who sees his families’ dreams go up in smoke, to expect him to be tactful and remain stoical whilst people hog the spotlight for his endeavors on the sports field but his family goes hungry. I believe Pasuwa had reached the end of his tether that is why he let the nation know of the shoddy way in which he was being treated. In my honest opinion, we need a lot more people like Pasuwa.
Wicknell has been very fortunate to be well endowed with cash, but The Good Lord, in his wisdom ensured that he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. We are created with two ears and one mouth for a reason; that we talk less and listen more. The ‘selfless’ act of sponsoring The Warriors in this hostile economic environment certainly does not warrant the temper tantrums that the nation has had to bear witness to these past few days. It seems as if the nations being held to ransom by a tin can despot who wants everything to be down his own way
We are not ungrateful BUT if someone helps one out and brags about the act at every turn, is it not better to throw off the york and live an honest poverty-stricken life. Enough with these childish tantrums already, sport especially football is supposed to bring the country together not tears us apart.

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