Friday 30 October 2015

Husband Sees Red After Discovering Sneakers Under Bed

The father of three, who ditched his wife three years ago but has remained friendly with the mother of his children ,going to her place on a regular basis to ask for bus -fare got the shock of his life when he discovered a pair of men's sneakers under the bed of his estranged wife's bed.

Husband Sees Red After Discovering Sneakers Under Bed

On enquiring what was going on his worst fears were realised as his wife confirmed that she had moved on and found a lover who was taking care of her and their children.The former husband saw red when he was invited to come inside to be introduced to the new man who had replaced him in the woman's heart and bed.He unexpectedly head- butted the woman and a melee ensured resulting in the man getting bruises to the face and upper body.The woman was able to stand her ground and pounded her former husband for wanting to spoil her new- found happiness.With tail between the legs,he went back home to freshen up and wear a new shirt as the one he had been wearing was completely ruined.

Realising that he had bitten off more than he could chew, he completely disowned the children

This means the new man has both the mother and the children.Interestingly the former husband remarried three years ago and has children with the new wife.The two women actually get on well together.

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