Thursday 22 October 2015

Mobile Phones And The The Social Ills They Spawn.

It is really unfortunate stroke of fate that some of the people who are able to afford mobile phones may not be well endowed with common sense.Maybe manufacturers of mobile would include a few hints on the social norms around the use of mobile devices much like a users manual.

Mobil Fones And The The Social Ills They Spawn.
Mobil Phones And The The Social Ills They Spawn.
It is unfortunate that mobile phones do not come with dos and dont’s. The side-walks of cities are littered with jay-walkers distracted by the by their mobile phones and one has to take evasive action in-order to avoid collision.

Whilst at a neighbour's house,where I had gone to pay my condolences for the deceased father of the house ,I encountered one of the worst ills brought about by a mobile phone clutching member of the church choir which the family attends .The woman ,in her late forties ,was busy texting on her mobile device .The other members of the choir as well as members of the immediate family and other church members were inside the house praying for the departed soul.It is my humble opinion that one needs to mute or switch off their phones during church services or funerals.Texting on ones phone during a funeral just seems crass and insensitive.

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