Thursday 22 October 2015

The Workplace Spouse, Do You Have One?

The rage nowadays is the emergence of workplace spouses.Most people spend most of their waking hours at the workplace,so it makes sense one would suppose that they would need someone to make the long dreary hours manageable.
The Workplace Spouse, Do You Have One ?
The Workplace Spouse, Do You Have One ?

The advocates of this trend, which I learnt started in the early 1900s,say it is made to help one blend into the workplace  and make one socialize better.They caution that one needs to be completely open with their marriage partners at home about their workplace spouses for it to work.The relationship is supposed to be platonic but there is no ruling out the fact that being human a good number of people who indulge in this arrangement would end up crossing the line and having a workplace romance.

Being an African ,brought up in the church , i have always believed in marriage being a union between a man and woman who are supposed to live happily ever-after.I know the politically correct term these days is for marriage to be between two partners,gender irregardless.The trend just gives me the creeps.I cannot imagine my spouse taking kindly to me having a workplace spouse,THANK GOD I work from home.One can just imagine the number of nights I was going to spend on the couch because of a misuderstanding between my spouse and I.A clear case of different strokes for different folks I suppose. 

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