Friday 23 October 2015

The Power Of Gratitude

A little gratitude goes a long way in reassuring the multitudes toiling in thankless menial jobs in the diaspora.

I had an interesting discussion with a nephew of mine the other day.We have a mutual friend who has a partner who loves him to bits.The said partner is  fortunate to be in the diaspora earning a decent salary and she makes sure that the financial needs of the male partner are taken care of,back home in Zimbabwe.Now the bone of contention was , were the contributions enough or should the partner demand more as a right.This raises the question of entitlement.If one gives unsolicited gifts surely that is cause for gratitude instead of looking the gift horse in the mouth. The tendency among a lot of us Zimbos is a misguided belief that the streets of the various cities in the diaspora are paved with gold ,hence the family members or partners there should send money home ad -infinitum.Very few realise that most people work two or three jobs to make ends meet ,let alone send money home.

My view therefore is, if one has a relative who thinks of them and sends them money ,THEN  they need to be grateful.Stop  feeling as if just because of a lucky stroke of coincidence that you have a relative in the Diaspora,you can lift your heels, sit back, relax and enjoy a stress-free life.Spare a thought to our brothers, sisters, fathers,mothers,wives, husbands,sons and daughters who are toiling to put food on the table as well as take care of their kith and kin.

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