Monday 7 December 2015

Conductor Loses Balance And Sprawls On Tarmac

The tendency by taxi touts of hanging onto the back of speeding taxis had a grave consequence when one such landed on his back in the middle of the main road just outside the Chitungwiza Town Centre.
Conductor Loses Balance And Sprawls On Tarmac
Basically these guys entice passengers onto a particular taxi, when it is full they are given fifty cents. Whilst I admire the enterprising young man for at least wanting to earn an honest living, the fact that they risk life and limb had all of us in the taxi transfixed as he took a tumble in the tarred road. He was holding onto the roof language rack,which gave way, resulting in him being dumped unceremoniously on the hard sun backed tarmac. The anxious driver came out to see how his tout was feeling and to his immense relief found that he was okay.Fortunately for him there was no following vehicle and he got minor scratches bumps and a bruising of his ego.

Working for ones dinner is commendable but one has to be safe from injuries and accidents.

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