Monday 7 December 2015

Man Uses Gremlin's Head To Attract Customers

It is alleged that the gremlins are brought into the country from either Mozambique or South Africa, where they are sold by the Sangomas there for anything from a thousand US dollars  to five thousand dollars. In the tough economic climate we are living in some get rich quick charlatans are  resorting to buying these.
Man Uses Gremlin's Head To Attract Customers

One chef in a well known restaurant in Bindura is reputed to use a gremlin's head in all the dishes he prepares, it is believed that the head entices customers to flock to the restaurant resulting in a constant stream of revenue for the owner. Those in the know say that the gremlin's head does not burn neither does it get cooked, when it is removed after the food is fully prepared, it is as intact as when it was first put in the pot.

Despite the fact that the  rumour mill regarding the said restaurant ,customers still flock to buy the meals. Whether this gives credence to the tales is debatable .

Zimbabwean media is awash with tales of Gremlins ,which are supposed to bring their owners luck and riches beyond measures.

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