Tuesday 1 December 2015

Condoms For Teens Debate

The decision by the UNFPA and the government of Zimbabwe to distribute small sized condoms for teenagers 15 years and older has a lot of people hot under the collar.
Condoms For Teens Debate

According to Petros Muzondo, an author on H.I.V and A.I.D.S related issues,'children need God not condoms...even grown-up people are getting STIs and H.I.V.

The facts of the matter are that at this age teenagers have a vague idea about sex from their Biology classes,friends and peers.Bearing in mind the statics on H.I.V and A.I.D.S prevalence in the country , I believe the move to provide condoms is pragmatic .I think our teenagers require the right information ,lest they experiment or get the wrong or half-truths from their peers.In a society parents do not talk to their offspring about sex,the only information at their disposal is either from peers or what they can glean from their Biology texts.Not many teens have access to the Internet ,where they can research the taboo subjects.

Saying that distributing condoms will lead to promiscuity is like the proverbial Ostrich burying its head in the sand .At this stage teenagers are curios .They will want to know everything.And sex is a fascinating subject to them.Until parents face reality and realise their bundle of joy is grown and wants to know the WHYS and WHEREFORES of this world,they are headed for disappointment.The myths about sex needs to be debunked among youths .We also need to accept that they are sexually active .Is it not therefore prudent to then manage the situation by giving them the right information and manage the situation so that the sex they might be involved in is safe.

No matter how much hot air people might blow about how morally wrong it might be,the reality is teenagers are indulging in unsafe sex.Our media is awash with tales of school-girls aborting in school toilets or at home ,so we have to be proactive.No amount the of preaching or sweeping the problem under our collective carpets ,these are the facts.

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