Tuesday 1 December 2015

Econet Reaps Customers Off

A brother -in-law of mine has had a torrid time at the hands of Econet Wireless recently.
Econet Reaps Customers Off
His ordeal started when he lost his mobile phone in a taxi whilst coming from seeing one of his customers.He raises and sells broiler chickens in his backyard,so his mobile phone is the best link between him and his customers.The next morning he went to his customers .The next morning he went to the Econet office in Bulawayo,where there was a long queue slowly making its way into the offices of the service provider.He finally got to the counter where he was asked to pay a dollar and provide proof of his identity so that he could get a replacement Sim,which he was assured would start working within 30 minutes.When the Sim started working he discovered that the number he had been allocated was different.After meeting with some of his customers most complained about him not picking up his calls,that as well as the fact that he would get calls from strangers.He had to go back to the service provider,wait in another queue before a Sim with the the right number was allocated to him.

Now,three weeks later ,the Sim is not working again.It has been four days now without mobile phone services at a time when he has to follow up on hid debtors to make sure that they pay.Yesterday,he went back again to the offices of the service provider to get answers and he was assured that his Sim would start working within an hour.We even tried to engage the company through their twitter account ,provided the serial number as requested but still,as I write his Sim is not working.Despite numerous ca,,s to the Econet customers 'scare' line .Imagine spending 17 minutes holding a call in order to be attended to by an operator,who assures you that from his end everything is working well and yet you don't have service.The fact that the Sim is loaded with airtime adds insult to injury.My brother-in-law's case seems to be just the tip of the ice-berg  as I read several other complaints from the disconnected customers on the twitter feeds.It is time Econet upped their game and improve their service.

Should it continue ,I will urge him to choose a different service provider,enough is enough.

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