Saturday 5 December 2015

Hell Hath No Fury

A friend of mine recently hooked up with what he thought was a woman of his dreams.He spent the whole day yesterday trudging between hid residential place and his lover's place without catching a glimpse of her.
Hell Hath No Fury
The friction started about a month ago when the lady discovered that she had missed her period after a vigorous night of love making.She believed one of the condoms burst resulting in her falling pregnant.To the man's credit ,he was over the moon, owned up and promised to make am honest woman of the lover. All along there have been rumors that the man has an estranged wife ion the diaspora,where she has spent the last four years without coming home.The man being a man assumed that thee wife had moved on hence his decision to look for a companion. Apparently the wife got wind of the development through her mother,now she is back.Yesterday afternoon she arrived and phoned the husband  to come and collect her from the road port.The lady who had replaced her in her husbands heart didn't take kindly to the development.An argument ensured after the call,during which she got a black-eye.

In the evening after escorting the wife to her parents' place ,lover man went to the lover's crib to discover that he had been locked out .No amount of calling or knocking could convinced the lover to open the door to rented room.Lover man had to go back where he had come from.

Early the following morning ,he beat a track to the lover's place but again could not gain entry.He came to my house,poured out his anguish,made all sorts of threats.His biggest fear is that because of the tiff ,the lover is going to get rid of the pregnancy.There in lies his anguish because he had promised to go and ask for the lover's hand in marriage and start for living together as husband and wife.

As things stand lover man does not know whether he still has a future with his lover or not.

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