Thursday 19 November 2015

Colcom Employees Caught With Their Pants Down

In an apparent symbol of the economic malaise afflicting the country ,two female employees of Colcom in Bulawayo were caught with several kilos of meat strapped to their midriffs.

It is assumed that the pilfering has been going on for quite some time.On the fateful day ,the suspicious security guards stopped the lead female and asked to search her .He met with resistance but after calling for reinforcement in the form of a female guard,the two culprits were uncovered much to the delight of the security guards and the manager of the meat processing plant.

Tales abound of an elaborate plant that included supervisors,security guards who were in on the plot.It is alleged the cabal had customers who would buy the stolen meat.The act smacks of pure greed as all the people involved were formally employed and were fairly well looked after by their employer.It is perhaps an indication of the moral decay in society at the moment.

One wonders whether a few extra dollars could have lead to the two jopardizing their employment.Now they are going to be  the guests of the department of correctional services whilst their children are going to bear the brunt of their mothers' avarice.

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