Monday 23 November 2015

Extra-city Coach Operator Makes Passengers Relieve Themselves In Bushes

Whenever I travel to Bulawayo ,I board an Extra-city coach,but since discovering that they make their passengers relieve themselves at ba layby along the highway,I swear that is the last time i use their service.
Extra-city Coach Operator Makes Passengers Relieve Themselves In The Bushes

The host on the coach claims the reason why they opt for the roadside toilet is because the bpublic facilities at the various bus trmini are very dirty.Be that as it may,two wrongs do not make a right.If the operator is serious about the safety of his passengers ,then he could have partnered with one of the municipal councils along the highway to provide a decent public facility for their and other passengers.A sort of community serice perhaps.Should the operator be selfish and not want to spend money on the community then the way to go is buying coaches with onboard facilities.

The problem with most businesses in my country right now is act of just taking without giving anything back.

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