Wednesday 11 November 2015

Economic Hardships Create Monsters Out Of Citizens

The prevailing economic hardships have entrenched a callous disregard for others as evidenced by the massive mansions being built ,huge S.U.Vs being bought and other grandiose exploits.
Economic Hardships Create Monsters Out Of Citizens
Gone is the culture of sharing and caring for the community that was the stay of the country during the liberation struggle.The new dispensation has led to a fierce class struggle where every Tom,Dick and Harry wants to outdo their neighbours in the status struggle.Stories abound of the individuals who build eighteen or twenty-five bedroom mansions for a typical family of four individuals,Large sums are spent on acquiring the latest state of the art automobiles which are paraded at the slightest opportunity.Complete disregard is paid to the collective suffering in the country.It is a case of each man for himself and the devil takes the hindmost.Simple logic would suggest that if these individuals pooled their resources ,they would easily revive some of the struggling companies and in the process earn a lot of money in dividends when the companies do well.

The situation has got so bad that even church leaders are getting in on the act and are blindly fleecing their flock for their own aggrandisement.

The bibble teaches us in Galations 6;2 'To share each other's troubles and problem,and in this way obey the law of Christ'

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