Saturday 28 November 2015

Count Your Blessings

Having lost my mother eleven years ago the only constant in my life has been my father.
Count Your Blessings
On the twelfth of October 2015, we celebrated his ninety-first birthday.He has been around for a very long time hey,It was in 2014 that we, my siblings and I thought of and organisedb  a surprise party for him.It suddenly dawned on us how blessed we were to have him in our lives.

My eldest sister,her second born son and I were the only ones who could make it from the various towns were we now live.The other sister was in the diaspora hustling,She is the one who let the cat ouit of the bag ,since she had to call early in the morning to wish him a happy birthday,.His instincts had been telling him that something was up.

Anyway ,after the cat got out, preparations continued and at ten we started the vert intimate party we had planned.He had a smile stretching from ear to ear.When we finally got out the presents ,his joy was overflowing.

It took a tale from one of my nephews for the truth to sink in .We are indeed very fortunate to stiull have him in our lives.

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