Monday 23 November 2015

The Plight Of The Educated Man

Intelligence is super but will not always lead to greatness.Samuel Johnson says 'Great works are performed not by strength ,but by perseverance.'That is how life is structured ;it rewards determination not brilliance.
The Plight Of An Educated Man

Most educational systems celebrate 'smart' students .They are the called the 'A' students ,but rarely will they be top class and cutting edge disciplinrians in real life .For example the late  Dambudzo Mrechera ,who doesnot know of his brilliance and masterpieces?At the end of the day what did he achieve?We can all agree that he had exceptional abilities not harnessed by perseverence.It is quite unfortunate that he died young and had no money nor assets.You may say'I 'am biased ,but the same holds for Albert Einstein.Noone will argue abpout his intelligence ,which was out of this world ,but he died a common death.There is no secret about thus ,determination pays.Thomas Edison ,the electriuc light bulb man, said to achieve one has to increase the rate of failure
.It can be summarised in a simple phrase ,'persevere long enough and you will get it '.

I also want to compare a fundi to a sportsman.If we are to talk about footballers for a start one would notice how early they make it in life.This is because of two condiments ;decisiveness and perseverence.Raheem Sterling ,at the tender age of 19 has made it .He knew that staying with a lukewarm team was not going to help him.Andrea Pirlo,who was a late developer ,spent tens of thousands of hours on the field perfecting his footballing skills.All his life he knew how to discipline himself and stay focussed.

Most of the so called educated people are not decided on what they want.They are tossed about by the wind ,but sports people decide early and persevere until they achieve greatness.More can be said but let me stop .Longer hpours of work without focus and determination will not yield much.

written by Elias Mangwende  

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