Monday 23 November 2015

Gweru Bus Terminus Public Facility An Eyesore

The Gweru City Council run ablution facility are the worst i have seen in my travels across the length and breadth of Zimbabwe.
Gweru Bus Terminus Toilets An Eyesore

At the entrance of the public toilets ,one is met with floors covered in black oily looking dirty water.Whether this is sewage or just dirty water is left to one's imagination.Couple this with the offensive stench coming from the urinals and the stalls ,it makes for an unpleasant experience all round.Less than a metre from this despicable sight are hordes of vendors selling their foodstuffs.It is just a matter of time before there is an outbreak of some water-borne epidemic.That this has been going on for quite some time and nobody has done anything about it is in stark contrast to the city's often quoted 'CITY OF PROGRESS' slogan.There is nothing progressive about these public facilities.One wonders where the money charged at the entrance to the terminus is used for.

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